Maji Moto
Primary School
GPS Location: -3.495725,36.8516567
Maji Moto Primary School is a government school located in the rural village of Maji Moto, Arusha.
This school is extremely rural and is under resourced. Classrooms are of poor quality and there are no health programmes at the school.
The local community are over 90% Massai Tribe, living in mud huts and sole occupation is tending to their cattle. The community are desperate for their children to have an education to escape extreme poverty.
Our impact so far
Top 3 achievements at Maji Moto so far thanks to our supporters
Increased hygiene of students by installing hand washing facilities.
Increased attendance from girls as they can now attend during their period
Dramatically decreased taboos around menstruation in student’s family households
How we’re supporting Maji Moto students
Our partnership began in February 2019, and we’re planning to support this school with the following four programmes:
Girl Empowerment: Education for girls
Completed: Menstrual Hygiene Management program, including reusable menstruation products, for 73 girls. Watch the children celebrating below!