Primary School
GPS Coordinates: -3.454611, 36,805778
Manyire Primary School is a government school in rural Arusha that was established in 1977. The school has a large enrolment of 596 students, 274 of which are girls.
Manyire is in a very similar condition to many of our other partner schools. It has classrooms in need of renovations as they’re so damaged from the heavy rainy seasons. The classrooms also do not have windows so the rain pours in when the children are in class.
Manyire community is very committed to education which is displayed by the large enrolment at this school. We want to help the students at Manyire get the education they deserve in a safe, clean and inspiring learning environment.
Manyire Primary School during our first visit in 2020
Unhygienic toilets with no locks
Full classrooms but poor classrooms
Handwashing facilities
Our impact so far
Top 3 achievements at Manyire so far thanks to our supporters
Increased hygiene through our hand washing facilities and education programme.
A strong partnership was formed with the community and they donated over 100hrs to construct the hand washing facilities
Increased their water supply by installing the first of many rainwater harvesting tanks
How we’re supporting Manyire students
Our partnership began in 2020 and we are actively supporting this school with the following four programmes:
Let Us Learn: School builds
Still to do: Renovate 6 classrooms
Being Well: Health
Completed: Handwashing facilities constructed (14 taps) and a sustainable hand washing programme implemented.
Constructed 12 girls toilet, 1 disabled toilet, 2 boys toilets and a urinal area.
Still to do: Construction of school kitchen and establishment of school gardening project
Water Is Life: Clean Water
Completed: Installed 1 x 5,000 litre tank for hand washing
Still to do: Install 8 x 5,000 litres rain water harvesting tanks to store enough rain water for year round use
Girl Empowerment: Education for girls
Still to do: Build 9 girls toilets, 1 changing room, and 2 boys toilets/urinals with menstruation and accessible facilities
Still to do: Educate girls on menstrual hygiene management.
Project progress
Manyire Primary School location
coming soon…