Primary School
GPS Coordinates: 3°29'45" S 36°49'37" E
Marurani Primary School is located in a rural community, and as with many other Government schools, Marurani faces a number of challenges in supporting children’s education.
The school doesn’t have enough classrooms, toilets or access to clean water. There is just 1 tap that supplies water, with water only available 2 times a week for 2 hours a day.
The school has a total of 406 pupils but no toilets. They used to have 4 but due to heavy rain they became unusable.
Our impact so far
Top 3 achievements at Marurani so far thanks to our supporters
Marurani went from being near the bottom of the regional school leaderboard to number 1 since we built new classrooms, new toilets and provided clean water.
Increased access to education for children with disabilities by constructing accessible friendly classrooms and toilets.
Increased confidence and attendance of girls during their period by 87% through our menstruation programme.
Marurani Primary School during our first visit in 2019
Open roof which brings the rains in and soaks the children
Dilapidated classrooms
Unhygienic, unsafe and not private toilets
Our impact so far
We’re planning to support this school with the following four programmes:
Let Us Learn: School builds
Completed: Built 4 new classrooms in 2021
Completed: Renovated the existing 9 classrooms in 2021.
Still to do: Buy text books, paint inside classrooms with educational material.
Water Is Life: Clean water
Completed: Installed 8 x 5,000 litres rain water harvesting tanks to store enough rain water for year round use in 2021.
Being Well: Health
Completed: Constructed handwashing facilities with 14 taps and hand washing education programme in 2021.
Still to do: Improve kitchen facilities by constructing a new kitchen. Establish a school gardening and feeding programme.
Construct 10 boys’ toilets.
Girl Empowerment: Education for girls
Completed: Built 10 girls’ toilet with menstruation and disabled access in 2021.
Completed: Educate girls on menstrual hygiene management in 2020.
Project progress
Watch the video below as our partner Hussein, a Community Development Worker from Ndoto in Action, gives a tour of the project process so far!
The development of this school has been heavily supported by the amazing One Kind Act and Brinda Jaykant Shah Foundation. Made With Hope and the Marurani community are so grateful for their support to help give thousands of children in this community an education they deserve. Thank you.