Our partners in Tanzania
Local people on the ground often know what is best for their community.
By collaborating with passionate Tanzanian communities, organisations and government officials that have a track record of supporting children living in poverty in their community, we can deliver all of our projects to the highest quality and standards.
Ndoto in Action have been our main delivery partner since 2020. Their main focus is to dramatically transform poor rural government schools that are often dilapidated, have no toilets, limited clean water and education is suffering because of the school environment.
NIA is led by Hussein, a trained Community Development Worker at university level, with a passion to help as many children get the education they deserve. NIA have a board of dedicated Trustees and volunteers who give up their time to help run our projects, especially our hand washing education project.
CHETI NGO is a registered charity in rural Tanzania that has improved the lives of over 8,000 disadvantaged children since 1997, by providing high quality education, support and health care.
CHETI was founded by Zuma Mtui, the Director, who grew up as an orphan and lived in poverty until someone took a chance on him and supported his education.
CHETI NGO has been our partner since 2013, and were blown away by their determination to provide high quality education for poor children and families in their community. Together we have created projects that have helped over 950 children including a girls hostel, a secondary school for 250 students, a primary school, health workshops and clean water. Since 2020 we reached a point where it was wise to put on hold new projects with CHETI and instead focus on the sustainability of existing projects.