Primary School
GPS Coordinates: -3.5157716,36.8545953
At Umoja Primary School the teaching and learning environment is not conducive for learning due to insufficient classroom, desks and teaching materials thus making the learning process becoming a challenging to all 471 students and teachers.
Currently at Umoja toilets are not friendly for students to use as they have no doors, damaged unclean floors and no water for flushing which makes children lack privacy especially to girls when using toilets during menstruation.
Umoja is very committed to education which is displayed by the large enrolment at this school. We want to help the students at Umoja get the education they deserve in a safe, clean and inspiring learning environment.
Manyire Primary School during our first visit in 2020
Unhygienic toilets with no locks
Full classrooms but poor classrooms
Handwashing facilities
Our impact so far
Top 3 achievements at Muungano so far thanks to our supporters
Increased hygiene through our hand washing facilities and education programme.
A strong partnership was formed with the community and they donated over 100hrs to construct the hand washing facilities
Increased their water supply by installing the first of many rainwater harvesting tanks
How we’re supporting Umoja students
Our partnership began in 2020, and we are actively supporting this school with the following four programmes:
Let Us Learn: School builds
Still to do: Renovate 8 classrooms
Transparency Truth: It only costs around £2750/£3000 to renovate a whole classroom with new desks for 45 students.
Being Well: Health
Completed: Handwashing facilities were constructed (14 taps) and a WASH programme implemented
Constructed a school kitchen and established a school gardening and feeding programme.
Water Is Life: Clean Water
Currently not needed
Girl Empowerment: Education for girls
Still to do: Build 10 girls toilet and 2 boys toilets/urinals with menstruation and accessible facilities
Still to do: Educate 129+ girls on menstrual hygiene management