Big Give Christmas Challenge 2023 - Donations Doubled!
We are taking part in the Big Give Christmas Challenge 2023 which runs from 28th November to 5th December 2023! We need to raise £8,737 to completely transform the education of 515 students currently living in extreme poverty. Any donations up to the value of £4,368 will be doubled!
Earlier this year our amazing fundraisers did an Iron Man and raised £10,295 for this project so we have so much belief in making this project happen.
Read all about our Big Give campaign below…
We want to use the Christmas Challenge to fundraise for Muungano Primary School.
In Tanzania, if a child doesn't pass their secondary school entrance exam they cannot enrol. The pass rate for students at Muungano Primary is just 48%. Those who fail will almost definitely go into child labour, child pregnancy or child marriage. Education is not very accessible to Children at Muungano because the school feels unsafe due to the building being very deteriorated and at risk of being closed permanently.
Muungano primary school has 515+ students. The classrooms do not have enough desks, students are cramped 5 to a desk. There are no textbooks making it hard to concentrate and hard to learn. The classrooms are dark without enough light and during the rainy season students will get wet as the windows have no glass.
“In my classroom when it is raining, I get wet because I am sat next to the window which has no glass in. It makes me cold and unable to concentrate”
We are fundraising to renovate 9 classrooms at Muungano primary school!
We plan to completely renovate Muungano Primary to make it safe, inspiring and comfortable to learn in. By providing access to quality primary education we will increase academic attainment and secondary school exam passes as each child will have access to the facilities and space needed to learn. We have done this in 6 other local Tanzanian schools already and seen the impact of the exact same project we're trying to do at Muungano which is why we're confident this project will be a success. If we transform this school, in just 10 years it will have vastly improved the education of over 5,000 children.
The renovations will include repairing leaking roofs and broken floors as a priority, and installing new window glass to make the classrooms more comfortable during cold and cloudy weather. We will also repair broken desks as well as providing new furniture, including teacher’s tables and chairs. All the classrooms will also be freshly painted. The renovated class rooms will be brighter, cleaner and safer for students.
This classroom has muddy floors and not enough desks.
Children playing in their classroom at Muungano Primary
The community and the school's number one priority is to renovate the nine classrooms so that each Standard gets to study in a conducive learning environment. They are very committed to ensuring the best learning environment for their students and we would love to make this happen!
Thankyou for your continued support! Transforming Muungano Primary School's dangerous, dilapidated and uninspiring classrooms will remove a huge barrier to hundreds of children accessing a quality education. Giving them a safe place to learn will help reduce extreme poverty, child marriage and child labour in the Muungano community.
Made With Hope is 100% run by Volunteers so all the money donated goes directly to purchasing building materials, paying local construction workers, and sourcing chairs and desks.