Volunteer Profile: Meet Evie

Evie, Research and Project Development volunteer

Evie, Research and Project Development volunteer

Over the past 2 years, Made With Hope has grown into a wonderful community of people dedicated to alleviating poverty in Tanzania. Our trustee board and volunteers work extremely hard to develop multiple aspects of Made With Hope. We thought it’d be nice to introduce our trustees and volunteers to you so you can get to know them a little better!

Firstly, some quick-fire questions to get to know more about Evie…

  1. Name: Evie Gilbert 

  2. Role at Made With Hope: Research and Project Development Volunteer

  3. Place you grew up: Windsor

  4. Favourite food: Thai!

  5. Favourite song/album: Favourite Worst Nightmare 

  6. Favourite thing you’ve watched on TV/at the movies: Community

  7. Favourite hobby: Scuba Diving

  8. Best place you’ve been: Tanzania

  9. Place you’d most like to visit: Vietnam

  10. Biggest motivation: Equality!

Now we find out why Evie got involved with Made With Hope…

What is your biggest passion in international development?

I am passionate about women and girls empowerment, I want to see greater opportunities and equality for girls and women in terms of education, employment and basic human rights!

What made you decide to get involved with MWH?

I have volunteered in Tanzania previously and loved to see that Made with Hope is addressing education, clean water and girl empowerment in their projects! 

What do you enjoy most about working at MWH?

Haven’t been able to meet anyone yet, but everyone seems really passionate and excited to be a part of the organisation. 

What are you most looking forward to at MWH in the future?

I’m excited to learn more about Made with Hope’s partner organisation CHETI and how the partnership runs. I am also looking forward to the MHM projects within the girls’ empowerment programme as it is addressing such an important issue for girl’s in developing countries!

If you’re interested in volunteering with us, check out our latest opportunities